Publisher: Manglam Publications
Manglam Publications
Showing 1–68 of 146 results
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Indian festivals enrich our essence of life by focusing on traditional, local, and seasonal foods according to the regional agricultural cycles. Festive foods symbolise prosperity, health, unity, or the season in which they are prepared. As the Indian Government promotes regional and traditional value systems through the movement “vocal for local,” there is a need …
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Harold Pinter would say that the lines in his plays were written through an intuitive process of a discovery which is quite unusual. And also unusual was his writing style, his razor sharp verbal violence and the appropriation of women in this oppressing world. The book tries to locate the intriguing simplicity of three dots, …
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Desert Ecology depicts the world’s desert ecosystems and describes in depth the Indian deserts, its resources, different production systems including forestry, agroforestry, agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, mining, industries, etc. It also deals with the efforts made in alleviating hunger and poverty and bringing greenery and granary to desert inhabitants through large scale afforestation, technological advances …
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Essentials of Home Science written for UG, PG students in a simple manner so that higher secondary students and teachers can comprehend the core concepts. The text encompasses five core areas namely, Foods and Nutrition, Human Development and Family Studies, Fabric and Apparel, Resource Management, and Communication and Extension. All these domains have their specific …
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This book is based on an empirical research carried out by the author in Kashmir valley focussing on domestic tourism. Valley of Kashmir is known as jewel in the crown of India. It has a recorded history of five thousand years that has shaped it’s physiography. Lush green meadows, gushing fresh water streams, lofty Himalyan …
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Environmental Pollution: Concepts and Management deals with all types of major pollutions, impacts and control measures. It also explains the area of environmental management. The textual analysis of the book is useful for students at graduation and post-graduation level. It is equally important for aspirants of clearing competitive examinations. The book brings out recent trends …
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अनुसंधान सामाजिक घटनाओं के परस्पर सम्बद्ध प्रक्रियाओं की व्यवस्थित खोज तथा विश्लेषण की एक वैज्ञानिक पद्धति है। विज्ञान का संबंध यथार्थ सत्य तथा वास्तविक ज्ञान से होता है जो अनुसंधान की प्रकृति के संबंध में भी लागू होता है। यह ज्ञान की प्राप्ति, ज्ञान की वृद्धि तथा ज्ञान की पुनः परीक्षा को अपना लक्ष्य मानकर …
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एक अच्छे गृह प्रबंधन में गृहिणी कुछ हद तक योग्यता हासिल कर लेती है और अच्छी तरह से परिभाषित लक्ष्यों या उद्देश्यों की दिशा में काम करती है। ये हासिल होने पर उसे संतुष्टि की भावना मिलती है। एक गृहिणी पारिवारिक लक्ष्यों को प्राप्त करने के लिए की जाने वाली विभिन्न गतिविधियों के निर्माता, उपभोक्ता …
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“Contours of Regional Security Challenges” provides a profound exploration of the multifaceted security issues facing various regions in today’s volatile global landscape. This book delves into the intricate and evolving security dynamics that shape the stability of regions across the world. By examining diverse and critical regional challenges, it offers readers a detailed understanding of …
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“Nutritional Guidelines for RYGB Bariatric Surgery” offers comprehensive advice on managing diabesity after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, integrating medical and holistic approaches. It includes pre-surgery nutrition, personalized post-operative care, and healthy recipes for bariatric patients. With evidence-based insights, it empowers readers to navigate their health journey after surgery, showcasing the transformative potential of personalized nutrition care.
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“Nutrition Guidance After Mini Gastric Bypass Bariatric Surgery”, this pioneering book delves deep into the innovative realm of mini gastric bypass surgery, offering a comprehensive exploration of post-operative nutritional strategies and comprehensive research findings. This guide describes the path for patients and healthcare professionals, providing vital insights for achieving optimal health outcomes after undergoing mini …
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Course Code: – A040201T This book for second semester English Literature is laboured to contain the syllabus in accordance with the National Education Policy 2020. The book is written in lucid language to cater to the needs of a heterogeneous classroom. The poems are produced in original text, alongwith the biography of the poets and …
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Written for B. Ed and M. Ed students this book caters all requirements of the prescribed syllabus. With the ever-changing climate of education around the globe, it is essential that educators stay abreast of the most updated teaching methods and applications. To do this, fostering teacher education programs that include innovative practices and initiatives within …
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This book is not a story, it’s a string of experiences that the characters go through. Abhishek, a college goer becomes a self-made business man, has to fight and defeat the enemies of Shagun, in order to free her from their shadows, empower her to drop her inhibitions, reunite her with her family and eventually …
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The book The Voices of Protest in the Selected Plays of Vijay Tendulkar is divided into Seven Chapters: (I) Introduction (II) Review of Literature (III) Silence! the Court is in Session (IV) Ghashiram Kotwal (V) Kamala (VI) Kanyadaan (VII) Conclusion. Tendulkar was writing at the time of Girish Karnad, Mohan Rakesh, Mahesh Elkunchwar and Badal …
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This book for first semester English Literature is laboured to contain the syllabus in accordance with the National Education Policy 2020. The book is written in lucid language to cater to the needs of a heterogeneous classroom. The concepts are complemented with illustrations. The short stories and essays are produced in original text, alongwith the …
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The book emphasized the historical background of regional organizations with a view to arrive at some kind of theoretical prospective. Integration results due to the nationalistic of search of people spread over diverse territories. Sometimes a regional identity is imposed and enforced by a superior external imperial power. Latin American and European continent prompted by …
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On Interdisciplinarity: Select Essays includes a collection of essays that demonstrates the ways in which recent intellectual practices may consider interdisciplinary studies as a hermeneutic tool to deal with our New Times. Including essays from various disciplines such as Sociology, Anthropology, Geography, Archaeology and Literature, the volume provides interdisciplinary relevance of current academics. It posits …
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The book indicates how the woman is respected like a deity and preceptor of mankind in a certain period but recent days women are neglected to access facilities or requirements of their life. This book deals with these problems and enlightens of women and emancipation of women with the aid of manner of the empowerment …
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Managing human resources is an essential part of every company’s overall objective to give value to customers, stakeholders, employees, and the communities in which it operates. With this course, you’ll gain a grasp of the fundamentals of HRM, as well as how it connects to your company’s strategy.For today’s profession, students need a solid foundation …
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Feminism is relevant cross-culturally because all known cultures presently existing have been shaped in one way or another by patriarchy, although in different ways. Thus feminism must take a vast plurality of cultural contexts and forms. Feminism is historically an outgrowth of women’s quest for equal rights and is philosophically associated with modern humanism. In …
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The book examines the growth of toxigenic fungi associated with some common pulses during storage, and qualitative estimation of aflatoxins and some mycotoxins. This book focuses on antifungal efficacy of essential oils against fungi for protection of pulses from fungal contamination. It will be helpful to research scholars as well as academicians working on antifungal …
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This particular volume on Culture Studies focuses on this ever expanding field of critical enquiry from multiple perspectives emerging from various disciplines. The editors have attempted to integrate scholarly articles within the limited corpus of this book. The book examines the notion of culture and interrogates both the formative processes as well as the influences …
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Welfare economics is a very important branch of economic theory. This is the first book in welfare economics to be primarily intended for undergraduates and non-specialists.This book is concerned with the familiarization of learners with some basic concepts of welfare economics, microeconomics, and public economics. They include welfare economics and its evolution from classical economists …
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There is little doubt that customers have the upper hand in today’s highly competitive marketplace, which might be called a buyer’s market. Marketing is the art and science of cultivating and maintaining successful customer connections.Marketing Management,text book is an outline toMarket Segmentation, Marketing Programme and Pricing Decision.The book is concerned mainly with the elementary components …
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I am extremely happy to place this book Business Environment before the learned teaching faculty, Research Scholars and students. This book has been designed and developed in accordance with the NEP and Revised CBCS syllabus prescribed for BA/B.Com of all university. This book designed to cater to the needs of BA/B.Com Students. The Present book …
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The book, “Wetland Management and Peoples’ Participation: A Study from India” embodies information on the management of the wetlands of India with particular reference to the wetlands of North-east India and Assam. The present book is based on the original research works done by the authors; and, the authors believe that, they would feel themselves …
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The book begins by locating social movements within broad and contemporary social processes. It explains the meaning, basic features, origins and types, and the basic perspectives of social movements. It goes on to deal with the major experiences of social movements in India, namely, peasant, tribal, Dalit, working class, women, ethnic, student and youth, and …
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Research Methodology : Method and Techniques explains how to do high-quality research using the most applicable methodology. The current book discusses research methodology at both a basic and advanced level, allowing researchers to become more familiar with the art of employing research methods and approaches. The book is aimed for graduate and postgraduate social science …
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This book reveals that the production and marketing of pineapple in Kolli hills Namakkal, Tamil Nadu. It analyses the socio-economic status of farmers, trends in cost of pineapple cultivation, analyze estimate the economics of pineapple production on the basis of benefit cost analysis, the mode of marketing of pineapple, the problems of production. And also …
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Using contemporary, real-world examples and the latest pedagogical tools, Principles of Management showcases how management concepts and practices can be utilized to achieve personal and business excellence. Organized around the four main traditional functions of management—planning, organizing, controlling and leading— this book includes current thinking and practice on the most important issues facing management, managers …
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Principles of Business Management is intended to make the students understand business management principles and practices to withstand the competitive business environment. To impart the basic understanding of business management, to enable the students to apply different skills and technique to assist the management in taking appropriate decisions relating to business enterprise. This foundational text …
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This book provides a geographical account of select attributes of population, such as age and sex composition, literacy, marital status, fertility, mortality and migration. The discussion on each topic has been presented separately for the global scenario and the situation in India. Population Geography focuses on the relationships between population distribution and environment. This publication …
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This book examines the evolution and present structure of the monetary, banking, and financial system of India, with a focus on post-1991 period. The book deals with forms and functions of money (including e-money), the role of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in monetary and credit management, and the evolution of monetary policy in …
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This book consists of basic and important concepts of Indian polity and the administrative structure both at the central and state level. Topics are covered such as Indian Federalism, The Legislature, The Executive, Judiciary, Constitutional Framework of Indian Administration, the State Administration, and Secretariat and Directorates, evolution of constitution, administrative and legislative report before and …
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Indian Economy is an excellent book that explains the fundamentals of the Indian economy in an easy-to-understand and comprehensive manner.This book presents a complete survey of the Indian Economy in terms of determinants of development, Indian economy since independence, features of Indian economy, natural resources such as land, water, forest, mineral and energy resources, natural …
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Climate change by global warming, which refers to the average increase in global temperature, has become a megatrend that will lead to significant global changes in the future. In addition, people have become more aware of the fact that global warming cannot be avoided due to the continued increase in greenhouse gas emissions and the …
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The book contains various aspects of Indian historical writing tradition through ages. The historiography of India refers to the studies, sources, critical methods and interpretations used by scholars to develop a history of India. In recent decades there have been four main schools of historiography in how historians study India: Cambridge, Nationalist, Marxist, and subaltern. …
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The book is concerned with how economics is, and should be used, in business. It stresses that the value of economics lies in being able to provide us with a better understanding of social and commercial issues, rather than help us forecast economic trends. It directs how to develop management science as a means of …
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Entrepreneurial Development is a fantastic book that discusses the foundations of entrepreneurship in a clear and complete manner. This book presents a complete survey of the Entrepreneurial Development in terms of characteristics of entrepreneurship, types of entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial traits, entrepreneurship as career option, qualities and functions of entrepreneurs, role of entrepreneur in economic growth, theories …
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The knowledge of law related to business is indispensable to the students of Commerce. This book deals with Introduction of Business Regulatory Framework which introduces legal aspects of Business and Law related to Business. The Indian Contract Act & Sale of Goods Act regulates the day to day business transaction etc., is the core of …
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Business Communication has emerged as a response to the growing recognition that communication is necessary for making an impact on interpersonal relationship. Designed specifically as a practical guide for students seeking a foothold on the corporate ladder, the book addresses itself to issues concerning honing of both oral and written communication skills. The text has …
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Through this book, compilation of the most of the articles published by the author in ARUNACHAL NEWS/REVIEW, a quarterly journal of the Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh and his research papers on the cultural/scientific heritage of the tribes, eco-friendly sustainable traditions of the past have been presented with the hope that the tiny tots, the youths …
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Need and awareness of legal protection towards Girl-child in India (An Analytical View) focuses on sexual abuse of girl child and her sexual stimulation. Girl child sexual abuse is an offense wherein an adult commits sexual activity with a minor or exploits a minor for the purpose of sexual pleasure which is not acceptable in …
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After two years of mask, social distancing, virtual school and colleges fear for vulnerable loved ones and loneliness, this is the news no one wanted to hear. The virus that causes Covid -19 has changing itself to adapt and infect more people on a wider scale. Due to the unpredictable nature of this mutating virus …
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This book provides a clear and concise understanding of the principles, applications and limitations of the various techniques involved in analytical chemistry. It covers all major areas such as qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis, data analysis, analysis of organic compounds, separation and purification techniques, electroanalytical techniques and spectroanalytical techniques. Analysis of any constituents qualitatively and quantitatively …
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Through this book, the immortal love story of AABO LOMA, the pioneer of metal/alloy craftsmanship is presented. The handicapped boy with the strength from his innocent love with LILYI BUNYI marches ahead along the thorny path towards an eco-friendly technology of making alloy objects (which never get corroded). During 2021-22, when we all Indians are …
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Quantum mechanics, science dealing with the behaviour of matter and light on the atomic and subatomic scale. It attempts to describe and account for the properties of molecules and atoms and their constituents—electrons, protons, neutrons, and other more esoteric particles such as quarks and gluons. These properties include the interactions of the particles with one …
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Indian political scene as we find it today, a thorough study of the prominent political thinkers is very essential. Brahmanism is the religion that developed out of the historical Vedic religion in ancient India. The term is different from Brahminism, the latter is sometimes used to identify a ritualistic system led by the Brahmin priests …
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Geomorphology is an Earth Science field that includes Geophysics, Geology, and Geomorphology; but it is broadly treated as a branch of Geography and placed in Geography Departments in the universities of India. Geomorphology is the science that deals with the sculpting processes that lead to the creation of different landforms on the planet. There are …
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Social advertisements are quite popular these days. However, the effectiveness is debatable. This book will help to understand the effectiveness of public service advertisements with special reference to Indian metropolitan cities and big cities. To build this better, an introduction of advertising, its utility, limitations and principles have been explained in detail. The nature, size …
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Agricultural geography is defined as the study of the geographical and locational attributes, patterns, and processes of crop and animal farming, and related subjects such as farm land, farm-associated human geographers, environmental issues, and theoretical works on the location of agricultural activities. Agricultural Geography provides the basic information of various types of the agriculture on …