Indian political scene as we find it today, a thorough study of the prominent political thinkers is very essential. Brahmanism is the religion that developed out of the historical Vedic religion in ancient India. The term is different from Brahminism, the latter is sometimes used to identify a ritualistic system led by the Brahmin priests in the Hindu society. Veda Vyasa is a household name and a central figure in Indian tradition. He is the author of the ancient epic, the Mahabharat – the longest poem ever written. For some time, Abul Fazal was the Governor of Khandesh in 1600. In 1599-1600, he got a chance to show his talent as a soldier, an organizer and a captain in the Deccan. Kautilya’s philosophy says state as central theme. Monarchy system was adopted in that time. Kautilya had discussed about state’s origin, nature and working. In regarding to origin of state he accepted the theory of social-cohesion. There was injustice everywhere in the society. Gandhi’s political thought stems from different traditions, Eastern and Western. Though he had inherited many traditions he had not agreed in to with any one of them. He had picked up many traditional concepts from his immediate predecessors as well as from ancient texts. Savarkar created the term Hindutva, and emphasised its distinctiveness from Hinduism which he associated with social and political disunity. Savarkar’s Hindutva sought to create an inclusive collective identity. The five elements of Savarkar’s philosophy were Utilitarianism, Rationalism and Positivism, Humanism and Universalism, Pragmatism and Realism. The book would be of great value for the students as well as the teachers.
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