Development Communication refers to a spectrum of communication processes, strategies and principles within the field of international development, aimed at improving the conditions and quality of life of people struggling with underdevelopment and marginalization. Reflective of the field’s historical evolution, Development communication is characterized by conceptual flexibility and diversity in the application of communication techniques used to address the problems of development. Print media is the industry associated with the printing and distribution of news through newspapers and magazines. Print Media is one of the most flourishing sectors of the country. The young generation of today is seen choosing a career in print media as working in the sector gives glamour promises opportunities to stride ahead very fast. Electronic media has brought in a revolution in the field of mass communication. Electronic media is the media that one can share on any electronic device for the audiences viewing, unlike static media (Printing) electronic media is broadcasted to the wider community. Examples of Electronic media are things such as the television the radio, or the wide intemet. This book will quench the thirst of knowledge in the field of journalism and mass media is the sincere hope of the authors. If it prove to be of little value to the readers all efforts and hardships of the authors will amply be awarded.
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