Category: Health
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“Nutritional Guidelines for RYGB Bariatric Surgery” offers comprehensive advice on managing diabesity after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, integrating medical and holistic approaches. It includes pre-surgery nutrition, personalized post-operative care, and healthy recipes for bariatric patients. With evidence-based insights, it empowers readers to navigate their health journey after surgery, showcasing the transformative potential of personalized nutrition care.
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“Nutrition Guidance After Mini Gastric Bypass Bariatric Surgery”, this pioneering book delves deep into the innovative realm of mini gastric bypass surgery, offering a comprehensive exploration of post-operative nutritional strategies and comprehensive research findings. This guide describes the path for patients and healthcare professionals, providing vital insights for achieving optimal health outcomes after undergoing mini …
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The way we work and study has changed due to covind19. The world is affected in many ways. Change is inescapable and very much part of being human. Even when society starts up again, there will still be restrictions and we are facing fundamental shifts to our way of life. It seemed to reinforce this …