Category: Education
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Indian festivals enrich our essence of life by focusing on traditional, local, and seasonal foods according to the regional agricultural cycles. Festive foods symbolise prosperity, health, unity, or the season in which they are prepared. As the Indian Government promotes regional and traditional value systems through the movement “vocal for local,” there is a need …
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अनुसंधान सामाजिक घटनाओं के परस्पर सम्बद्ध प्रक्रियाओं की व्यवस्थित खोज तथा विश्लेषण की एक वैज्ञानिक पद्धति है। विज्ञान का संबंध यथार्थ सत्य तथा वास्तविक ज्ञान से होता है जो अनुसंधान की प्रकृति के संबंध में भी लागू होता है। यह ज्ञान की प्राप्ति, ज्ञान की वृद्धि तथा ज्ञान की पुनः परीक्षा को अपना लक्ष्य मानकर …
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“Contours of Regional Security Challenges” provides a profound exploration of the multifaceted security issues facing various regions in today’s volatile global landscape. This book delves into the intricate and evolving security dynamics that shape the stability of regions across the world. By examining diverse and critical regional challenges, it offers readers a detailed understanding of …
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Let the radiant beacon of knowledge gracefully accompany each student on their educational odyssey, casting brilliance upon the trail that leads to both profound wisdom and ground-breaking innovation. As we ardently embark on the visionary journey towards Viksit Bharat @ 2047, let education stand as the bedrock of our progress. May it not only be …
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Written for B. Ed and M. Ed students this book caters all requirements of the prescribed syllabus. With the ever-changing climate of education around the globe, it is essential that educators stay abreast of the most updated teaching methods and applications. To do this, fostering teacher education programs that include innovative practices and initiatives within …
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The book examines the growth of toxigenic fungi associated with some common pulses during storage, and qualitative estimation of aflatoxins and some mycotoxins. This book focuses on antifungal efficacy of essential oils against fungi for protection of pulses from fungal contamination. It will be helpful to research scholars as well as academicians working on antifungal …
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This book provides a geographical account of select attributes of population, such as age and sex composition, literacy, marital status, fertility, mortality and migration. The discussion on each topic has been presented separately for the global scenario and the situation in India. Population Geography focuses on the relationships between population distribution and environment. This publication …
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This book discusses the National programme of Nutritional support to primary education (NP-NSPE) commonly known as the Mid-day Meal Scheme. The Mid-day Meal Scheme not only promotes enrolment of the students but also develop habit among the children to go schools everyday where they get guarantee of food at least one time a day which …
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गृह विज्ञान कला एवं विज्ञान का समन्वय है जिसमें आहार एवं पोषण, मातृ कला एवं बाल विकास, वस्त्रा विज्ञान एवं परिधन, गृह प्रबंध् एवं प्रसार शिक्षा की विध्वित जानकारी गृह विज्ञान का अध्ययन करने वाली छात्राओं को दी जाती है। प्रस्तुत पाठ्य पुस्तक मातृ कला एवं बाल विकास पर आधारित है। बालक राष्ट्र के अनमोल …
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Management for Competitive Examinations has been divided into 15 Topics containing 3000+ “Multiple Choice Questions” for Fast Revision and Preparation. The questions have been designated on the basis of the many kinds of questions being asked in the various competitive exams. In this book, Multiple Choice Questions relating to Principles of Management Marketing Management Service …
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Economics for UGC NET/SET Examinations book has been divided into 36 Topics containing 2300+ “Multiple Choice Questions” for Fast Revision and Preparation. The questions have been designated on the basis of the many kinds of questions being asked in the various competitive exams. In this book, Multiple Choice Questions relating to Micro Economics, Indian Economy, …
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On television, in the newspapers, even in textbooks of psychology, the teen years are portrayed as ‘bad news’. Adolescents are seen as moody, rebellious, promiscuous, immature, aggressive and lazy. Their behaviour is seen as getting worse as we move into the twenty first century. In fact the majority of young people have none of these …